Impala 入门实例

1 实例概述


当您第一次实现Impala实例时,您可以使用SHOW DATABASES 和SHOW TABLES语句来查看一般的对象类型。



  • default,当您不指定其他数据库时,新表将会创建在此处。
  • _impala_builtins,用于保存所有内置函数的系统数据库。

2 实例演示


$ impala-shell -i localhost --quiet
Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
Welcome to the Impala shell. Press TAB twice to see a list of available commands.
      build version: Impala Shell v3.4.x (hash) built on
[localhost:21000] > select version();
| version()
| impalad version ...
| Built on ...
[localhost:21000] > show databases;
| name                     |
| _impala_builtins         |
| ctas                     |
| d1                       |
| d2                       |
| d3                       |
| default                  |
| explain_plans            |
| external_table           |
| file_formats             |
| tpc                      |
[localhost:21000] > select current_database();
| current_database() |
| default            |
[localhost:21000] > show tables;
| name  |
| ex_t  |
| t1    |
[localhost:21000] > show tables in d3;
[localhost:21000] > show tables in tpc;
| name                   |
| city                   |
| customer               |
| customer_address       |
| customer_demographics  |
| household_demographics |
| item                   |
| promotion              |
| store                  |
| store2                 |
| store_sales            |
| ticket_view            |
| time_dim               |
| tpc_tables             |
[localhost:21000] > show tables in tpc like 'customer*';
| name                  |
| customer              |
| customer_address      |
| customer_demographics |

一旦您知道哪些表和数据库可用,您就可以使用该USE语句进入数据库 。要了解每个表的结构,请使用该DESCRIBE命令。一旦进入数据库,您就可以发出诸如INSERT之类的语句SELECT对特定表进行操作。



[localhost:21000] > use tpc;
[localhost:21000] > show tables like '*view*';
| name        |
| ticket_view |
[localhost:21000] > describe city;
| name        | type   | comment |
| id          | int    |         |
| name        | string |         |
| countrycode | string |         |
| district    | string |         |
| population  | int    |         |
[localhost:21000] > select count(*) from city;
| count(*) |
| 0        |
[localhost:21000] > desc customer;
| name                   | type   | comment |
| c_customer_sk          | int    |         |
| c_customer_id          | string |         |
| c_current_cdemo_sk     | int    |         |
| c_current_hdemo_sk     | int    |         |
| c_current_addr_sk      | int    |         |
| c_first_shipto_date_sk | int    |         |
| c_first_sales_date_sk  | int    |         |
| c_salutation           | string |         |
| c_first_name           | string |         |
| c_last_name            | string |         |
| c_preferred_cust_flag  | string |         |
| c_birth_day            | int    |         |
| c_birth_month          | int    |         |
| c_birth_year           | int    |         |
| c_birth_country        | string |         |
| c_login                | string |         |
| c_email_address        | string |         |
| c_last_review_date     | string |         |
[localhost:21000] > select count(*) from customer;
| count(*) |
| 100000   |
[localhost:21000] > select count(distinct c_birth_month) from customer;
| count(distinct c_birth_month) |
| 12                            |
[localhost:21000] > select count(*) from customer where c_email_address is null;
| count(*) |
| 0        |
[localhost:21000] > select distinct c_salutation from customer limit 10;
| c_salutation |
| Mr.          |
| Ms.          |
| Dr.          |
|              |
| Miss         |
| Sir          |
| Mrs.         |

当您了解了只读时,您可以使用诸如CREATE DATABASE 和 之类的语句CREATE TABLE来设置您自己的数据库对象。


[localhost:21000] > create database experiments;
[localhost:21000] > show databases;
| name                     |
| _impala_builtins         |
| ctas                     |
| d1                       |
| d2                       |
| d3                       |
| default                  |
| experiments              |
| explain_plans            |
| external_table           |
| file_formats             |
| tpc                      |
[localhost:21000] > show databases like 'exp*';
| name          |
| experiments   |
| explain_plans |


为了说明一个常见的错误,它在错误的数据库中创建了这个表TPC,即上一个示例结束的数据库。该ALTER TABLE语句允许您将表移动到预期的数据库EXPERIMENTS,作为重命名操作的一部分。USE切换到新数据库时总是需要该语句,并且该 current_database()函数确认会话在哪个数据库中,以避免此类错误。

[localhost:21000] > create table t1 (x int);

[localhost:21000] > show tables;
| name                   |
| city                   |
| customer               |
| customer_address       |
| customer_demographics  |
| household_demographics |
| item                   |
| promotion              |
| store                  |
| store2                 |
| store_sales            |
| t1                     |
| ticket_view            |
| time_dim               |
| tpc_tables             |
[localhost:21000] > select current_database();
| current_database() |
| tpc                |
[localhost:21000] > alter table t1 rename to experiments.t1;
[localhost:21000] > use experiments;
[localhost:21000] > show tables;
| name |
| t1   |
[localhost:21000] > select current_database();
| current_database() |
| experiments        |


注意:随着您逐渐过渡到更现实的场景,您将使用具有许多列的更复杂的表、分区等功能和Parquet等文件格式。在处理现实的数据量时,您将使用LOAD DATAINSERT ... SELECT语句引入数据以一次对数百万或数十亿行进行操作。


[localhost:21000] > insert into t1 values (1), (3), (2), (4);
[localhost:21000] > select x from t1 order by x desc;
| x |
| 4 |
| 3 |
| 2 |
| 1 |
[localhost:21000] > select min(x), max(x), sum(x), avg(x) from t1;
| min(x) | max(x) | sum(x) | avg(x) |
| 1      | 4      | 10     | 2.5    |

[localhost:21000] > create table t2 (id int, word string);
[localhost:21000] > insert into t2 values (1, "one"), (3, "three"), (5, 'five');
[localhost:21000] > select word from t1 join t2 on (t1.x =;
| word  |
| one   |
| three |


  • 如何判断您的系统上运行的是哪个版本的Impala。
  • 如何在Impala实例中查找数据库名称,显示完整列表或搜索特定名称。
  • 如何在Impala数据库中查找表的名称,显示完整列表或搜索特定名称。
  • 如何在数据库之间切换并检查您当前所在的数据库。
  • 如何了解表的列名和类型。
  • 如何创建数据库和表、插入少量测试数据以及运行简单查询。