Impala 交叉连接和笛卡尔积







[localhost:21000] > create table heroes (name string, era string, planet string);
[localhost:21000] > create table villains (name string, era string, planet string);
[localhost:21000] > insert into heroes values
                  > ('Tesla','20th century','Earth'),
                  > ('Pythagoras','Antiquity','Earth'),
                  > ('Zopzar','Far Future','Mars');
Inserted 3 rows in 2.28s
[localhost:21000] > insert into villains values
                  > ('Caligula','Antiquity','Earth'),
                  > ('John Dillinger','20th century','Earth'),
                  > ('Xibulor','Far Future','Venus');
Inserted 3 rows in 1.93s
[localhost:21000] > select concat(,' vs. ', as battle
                  > from heroes join villains
                  > where heroes.era = villains.era and heroes.planet = villains.planet;
| battle                   |
| Tesla vs. John Dillinger |
| Pythagoras vs. Caligula  |
Returned 2 row(s) in 0.47s



[localhost:21000] > -- Cartesian product not possible in Impala 1.1.
                  > select concat(,' vs. ', as battle from heroes join villains;
ERROR: NotImplementedException: Join between 'heroes' and 'villains' requires at least one conjunctive equality predicate between the two tables


[localhost:21000] > -- Cartesian product available in Impala 1.2.2 with the CROSS JOIN syntax.
                  > select concat(,' vs. ', as battle from heroes cross join villains;
| battle                        |
| Tesla vs. Caligula            |
| Tesla vs. John Dillinger      |
| Tesla vs. Xibulor             |
| Pythagoras vs. Caligula       |
| Pythagoras vs. John Dillinger |
| Pythagoras vs. Xibulor        |
| Zopzar vs. Caligula           |
| Zopzar vs. John Dillinger     |
| Zopzar vs. Xibulor            |
Returned 9 row(s) in 0.33s




[localhost:21000] > create table x_axis (x int);
[localhost:21000] > create table y_axis (y int);
[localhost:21000] > insert into x_axis values (1),(2),(3),(4);
Inserted 4 rows in 2.14s
[localhost:21000] > insert into y_axis values (2010),(2011),(2012),(2013),(2014);
Inserted 5 rows in 1.32s
[localhost:21000] > select y as year, x as quarter from x_axis cross join y_axis;
| year | quarter |
| 2010 | 1       |
| 2011 | 1       |
| 2012 | 1       |
| 2013 | 1       |
| 2014 | 1       |
| 2010 | 2       |
| 2011 | 2       |
| 2012 | 2       |
| 2013 | 2       |
| 2014 | 2       |
| 2010 | 3       |
| 2011 | 3       |
| 2012 | 3       |
| 2013 | 3       |
| 2014 | 3       |
| 2010 | 4       |
| 2011 | 4       |
| 2012 | 4       |
| 2013 | 4       |
| 2014 | 4       |
Returned 20 row(s) in 0.38s
[localhost:21000] > select y as year, x as quarter from x_axis cross join y_axis where x in (1,3);
| year | quarter |
| 2010 | 1       |
| 2011 | 1       |
| 2012 | 1       |
| 2013 | 1       |
| 2014 | 1       |
| 2010 | 3       |
| 2011 | 3       |
| 2012 | 3       |
| 2013 | 3       |
| 2014 | 3       |
Returned 10 row(s) in 0.39s